Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Peyton Manning Bids Farewell To Indianapolis - What A Class Act!
As I watched Peyton Manning and Robert Irsay of the Indianapolis Colts today deliver the news to the sporting world of Peyton's departure, I was reminded of how responsible, caring, and distinguished leaders set themselves apart from others.  Every professional athlete, manager, coach, general manager and owner would benefit from watching these two gentlemen address the news media and fans of their decision.  Both handled themselves with distinction and class.

Emotional for both men but not one negative shot taken at each other, the team, the league or the city of Indianapolis.  It was Communication 101 brilliantly performed and delivered.  It was clear that they cared for each other, their team and their city.  It was clear that it was a business decision that was very difficult for both of them.  Their delivery of the decision made you feel bad for each of them as you knew it was difficult for both men.

So many times we have witnessed bitter disputes between players and owners that make you want to pick sides and point blame.  Today's decision didn't have that type of impact on you.  You felt each man's pain and could hardly blame the Colts for choosing to move forward in a different direction.  You didn't feel embittered because Peyton will be wearing another team's colors this coming season.  How unusual is that feeling? 
At the same time, everyone knew that this day was coming when Peyton Manning would no longer be wearing the horseshoe of Indianapolis.  Still, it was difficult to fathom as you listened to the words of both Manning and Irsay.  Peyton longer a Colt.  Wow!  Doesn't seem right, doesn't seem fair.  The new reality is that Peyton will be playing in a new NFL city very soon. 

No news yet on what city that will be.  The speculation will run rampant for days, weeks on end until all of the negotiations, visits and decisions are made.  Is Manning healthy?  This will be the million dollar question that not only the various teams bidding for his services will want answers to but also to the millions of fans who just want to see Manning play again. 

Every night on Sports Center and all the talk radio sports shows will have their daily dose of Manning updates.  The analysis of what teams would benefit from having Manning as their quarterback.  What teams would contend for the playoffs and Super Bowl right away if Manning became their quarterback.  What teams would be best for Manning's skills and leadership.  The Manning questions will be comparable to the two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. 

The process should be a good one and lots of fun during this off-season of no football.  The one thing we will be able to count on during the entire process is that Peyton Manning will handle himself as the leader he is.  Showing class, dignity and professionalism.  Whichever NFL city and team signs him, they will be all the better for it.    

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